A patent is granted for inventions that are new, have an inventive step and are industrially applicable. It confers an exclusive right on the patent owner for a period of 20 years from the date of filing the patent application.
A utility model is registered if it is new, industrially applicable and has an acceptable inventive step. The registration grants an exclusive right to the holder for a period of 4 years from the date of submission of the application for a utility model, which can be extended for two consecutive periods of 3 years.

We offer assistance and full service in all matters related to inventions and utility models – from preliminary research and assessment of patentability to obtaining a patent or utility model in the country and abroad, a comprehensive service of the client’s patent portfolio, as well as advice and assistance on the exercise of rights, namely:

Carrying out patent research

We provide relevant patent information that we analyse and on this basis we provide our legal advice and recommendations for your business:

  • Research of the state of the art in a given field. The results of this type of research can be used in the creation and development of new products and technologies, as well as for the purposes of preparing a patent application or utility model.
  • Preliminary studies to assess the patentability of a specific technical solution. Studies to determine the development trends of an area. The results allow making informed and correct decisions for the management of the client;
  • Studies to track the innovative strategy and policies of specific leading or competitor companies. Patent purity studies of a specific technical solution for a given territory. The results show whether it can be used in this territory without violating foreign rights.

Preparation for patent and/or utility model application

Good preparation of the patent documentation is a condition for the success of the procedure for granting a patent and/or registration of a utility model:

  • Prototype selection; compiling a patent description, patent claims and an abstract, making drawings, if necessary.
  • Preparation of a strategy for territorial protection and selection of a procedure and office for international application/ filing of the prepared documentation for a patent and / or utility model.

Representation, full expert and legal service in the procedures for issuing patents and utility models before the respective patent offices:

  • Representation before the Bulgarian Patent Office
  • Representation before the European Patent Office
  • Representation before the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO)

Representation, legal and expert advice in patent litigation procedures and utility models

  • Representation before administrative bodies
  • Representation before judicial authorities

Other patent and / or utility service activities

  • Complete maintenance of the client’s patent portfolio.
  • Preparation of contracts for transfer or licensing of patents and utility models, as well as contracts for technology transfer and know-how.
  • Translations of patent documents.
  • Preparation of strategies for protection of new technical solutions at national, regional and international level.
  • Preparation of strategies for effective management and protection of the client’s patent portfolio.
  • Preparation of expert opinions and conclusions on patentability and scope of protection of a patent or utility model.
  • Evaluation of a patent and / or utility model, as intangible assets of the company, as a collateral, object of special pledge and in insolvency proceedings.